As we come to the end of our 2020/2021 Winter Season our stock shelves are looking pretty empty. Which is a good thing for us but not so good for you, our customer. We know how frustrating it is to finally find that Merino Wool item that you have been searching for just to discover your size is out of stock.
We normally receive a big shipment from New Zealand in late summer so that we are all ready for the coming Winter season and we try to avoid having to do small shipments in between. These cost more money and often arrive too late, especially this time of the year as the days are getting brighter.
But if you are looking for something, such as one of our Snowgrass Merino Tops or Vests, or any of the Merino Wool socks that we normally stock, please do email us at and we will endeavour to help you out. We may be able to suggest an alternative or we can include your request in our shipment so that you are not disappointed next winter. But please do get in touch.
In the meantime, keep safe and well in these strange times.
Helen :-)